Friday, November 15, 2013

Invisibility cloak

A bit busy now.

Friday, November 8, 2013

More information, plus a very cool video by Nature:

Go science!

Yesterday India launched a mission to Mars. This led to many complaints, even on this page, about their spending money on space missions while such a large number of people in India live in poverty.

However, this completely ignores the benefits of investment in science and technology. Study after study has shown that this only BENEFITS an economy. 

The rocket industry is worth $450 billion worldwide. Private spaceflight is due to take off in a massive way over the next few decades. If India can grab a piece of this industry, the benefits to its economy and people could be massive.

Invest in science, invest in technology and invest in education.

I don't often ask you to share something, but please SHARE this to show your support for investment in science and technology!

More information on the launch here:

Monday, November 4, 2013

This week in science

This week in science.

Three new species:
Hot water freezes faster than cold:
3D model of the common cold:
Artificial blood:
Fly over video of Mars:
Dinosaur walking:
Lava covered exoplanet:
New species of dolphin: