Saturday, December 28, 2013

happy birthday Louis Pasteur

Happy birthday, Louis Pasteur!

Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist regarded as “the father of microbiology,” and is one of the reasons infectious disease does not have the grip on mankind that it once had. He is the namesake of pasteurization, which is a treatment used on milk and wine to curb contamination of bacteria. He is also widely regarded for his work regarding germ theory.

While Pasteur didn’t invent vaccines, he did refine the technique and developed safe and effective vaccines against rabies and anthrax. His technique was widely used by other scientists in the development of other vaccines which have saved countless lives over the years.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013


This picture shows a green lightning bolt that was spotted near a volcanic eruption in Chile (look to the right). The green coloration is created by excited oxygen atoms. It was initially thought that this was a very rare occurrence, but that might not be the case after all. According to some scientists, there could be green lightning during regular thunderstorms that remain hidden inside of the clouds. In this instance, the cloud of volcanic ash is structured differently and pushes the bolt to the exterior, into our full view. 

More info: 

Monday, December 9, 2013

This week in science

This week in science!

New exoplanet:
Lung tissue:
Ancient DNA:
Exoplanet imaging:
Crocodilian tool use:
Koalas second set of vocal cords:
Atmospheric water on exoplanets: